The Best Link Building Techniques to Improve SEO

Backlink Hyperlink Networking

Using links is one of the leading methods when using SEO to optimize your site. It is important to apply links because it helps you with SEO, which attracts more visitors to your site. It also helps build credibility with your audience, especially if the links direct them to more authoritative sites relevant to your niche. As the leading SEO Park City company, here are some of the best techniques we apply when building links to your site;

Conduct a Keyword Search

Keywords are essential for any SEO strategy, including when you want to add links. You use these keywords to improve your website’s performance on the Google search. Use tools like Ahrefs or Google keyword planner to search for relevant and updated keywords.

There are many other tools you can also apply to simplify your keyword search. Keywords help you rank among the best in the industry, which will also help get backlinks from other authoritative websites. Another tip is to use the keywords you get as the anchor text for your links. You can get a qualified SEO Park City local shop o help you find keywords for your site and content.

Create Videos and Other Visual Content

You can get backlinks to your site through videos that illustrate or teach. People or other websites offering similar products can offer backlinks to your website. For this to work, you must ensure your content is informative and engaging.

It will lead to visitors sharing your content and backlinks from other authoritative websites. Ensuring your videos, infographics, photos, or presentations are quality and updated is imperative. Therefore, ensure you prepare enough materials or get help from the leading SEO Park City companies to help you generate SEO-friendly content.

Replace or Build Broken Links

To optimize your site, look for broken links that are not working. It will help you to optimize your site for user experience. You can get broken links from your competitor’s site, which you can use to replace them with working links.

It will help bring more traffic to your site and give it more authority in your niche. When replacing external backlinks, ensure the content you want to link to is relevant. Many online tools, such as SEM Rush, can help you identify broken links from competitive sites. You can also get help from the best SEO Park City companies, including BarkingFrogSEO, to help you build and replace your site backlinks.

Build Links from Relevant Websites That Have Similar Content to Your Brand

When you want to increase external links to your website, look for websites that mention your website for knowledge or resources. These websites may have mentioned your brand in their content and are more likely to offer external links.

You can also get external links from websites with similar content or content related to your niche. To this end, check if you have more in-depth explanations or knowledge about a similar topic on their site. Look for such websites and pitch to them to create external links to your site.

Before you get links, ensure the content is related to the topic. It will help you retain more clients on your site and, in the process, increase your traffic or conversions.

Be Consistent with Building Links

The best method to have more external and internal links is to keep reaching out to other sites in the same niche. You will build a relationship with other sites that will help to provide backlinks to your sites. Research websites with more authority in your niche and pitch to them to link your site.

Consistent efforts to reach out to other websites can help you to get more external links. You can also guest blog for sites in the same niche as you. Using such opportunities, you can link your site to other websites and lead more traffic to your website.


Building links is part of the top SEO strategies for SEO Park City companies. Knowing the best link-building methods is important to stay ahead of the competition. If you have any difficulty, get help from Park City’s local SEO companies to help you get quality links to your site.